Monday, July 4, 2016

My review of A Journey Home by Angela Scavone

Air Force Captain Stephanie Tyler has one of the most difficult jobs - to escort fallen soldiers home from wherever they are posted back to American soil. She took the job to escape her past failed marriage to her cheating husband with her best friend.

But unfortunately for Stephanie her job has become extremely dangerous lately and she is assigned partner. Even more unfortunate is that her new partner is her cheating ex-husband, Captain Douglas "DA" Aston. Yet as he proclaims his innocence Stephanie must discover the truth in her own and must decide if she can forgive and move on.

This was the first time I have read a book by this author and it certainly will not be my last. I learned so much in this book about the respect for the soldiers who have died in combat and what respect they are shown while being transported.

I thought the character of Stephanie was great but I can't believe she went so off the map not to at least listen to what DA had to say. Yet I liked how he really tried to get back on her good side and work everything out.

In the end it's all about forgiveness and realizing that not everything is as it seems.

4 Stars

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